Yoga is an Indian art form and a way of life which helps people to align their mental attitude, the responsiveness of their body and their diet. There are certain techniques such as breathing practices, meditation, or asanas that help one achieve their highest level of consciousness, and how you can do that, you will learn here at Cosmic Siddha.
For centuries now, yoga has been used as a tool for psycho-somatic and spiritual discipline. It has been used for achieving unison between our mind, body, and our soul – but what many do not know is that yoga is also an effective tool for attaining individual as well as universal consciousness. The key to attaining good health, a happy mind, and reflecting it to the universe begins from within – i.e. with the help of transcendental meditation.
Yoga and Transcendental Meditation (TM) – How can Transcendental Meditation help you?
Transcendental Meditation is a form of meditation used to power your mind by dwelling on mantras, or in simple terms – a series of words. When one practices yoga, the yogic attitude viz the person’s patience, persistence in practicing, laziness, anger, and delusion all subside. It is a physiological change that is experienced. This silent, mantra-driven approach is also a great way to reduce stress and anxiety by elevating calmness in the mind. Moreover, it is an effective and great tool for self-development.
Unlike any other form of meditation, transcendental meditation aims to control the mind and drives out the burdening thoughts which are deep-rooted in your mind. It is believed that at the core of one’s mind lies a natural sphere of calmness and this state of calmness can be attained by going beyond the ideas and thoughts at the surface level of your mind.
As soon as a person settles into a calm and silenced state, the mind ignites its self-healing powers and detaches itself from its senses. With the help of Transcendental meditation, you can free your mind from the clutter of thoughts you have accumulated over the years. So whatever negative thoughts and emotions lie heavy in your mind, will subdue with TM.
Stating an example, let us talk about people who meditate and chant Om several times in a day. By chanting the word Om, you channel your mind to a focal point of your thoughts which shifts and detaches your mind from the everyday quarrels. This further ignites your sensory perceptions and puts your mind in a natural state of bliss.
This is a practice that has been followed in India for many centuries. Many claim that by initiating Transcendental Meditation, they have explored a new and balanced version of themselves.
How can you benefit from transcendental meditation?
Apart from treating hypertension, transcendental meditation has other benefits described below:
- It relieves stress: Since transcendental meditation provides mental relaxation at a deep level, it also causes inner peace. It is said that a self-healed mind reflects even on your physical self. Moreover, it creates a balance in your mind that leads to a good mood, great productivity, and stronger sensory perceptions.
- It regulates blood pressure: since our emotions are proportional to our blood pressure, with the help of Transcendental Meditation you learn to control and regulate your blood pressure. Since Transcendental Meditation releases your mind from emotional issues, you reduce the chances of developing high blood pressure.
- It improves relationships: Whether it is a relationship with yourself or others, with the help of TM you develop a deeper bond and understanding with yourself and others since you are open and more receptive to communication with others and yourself. With transcendental meditation, we also weed out biases and judgment towards others, which makes one more receptive to hearing with a neutral point of view, which is vital in every walk of life.
- It is also used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a common mental health issue among the young and the old. TM is an effective tool used to tame anxiety and panic attacks among those who suffer from ADHD. With the help of TM, you can trigger your brain to act in coherence with the nervous system which establishes a balance in your nervous system which in return leads to improved organizational ability.
- Reduces the risk of heart-related problems: stress, anxiety, high blood pressure among other things are triggers for heart-related diseases and with the help of TM, you can weed out all the triggers that lead to heart problems.
For centuries now, yoga has been used as a tool for psycho-somatic and spiritual discipline. It has been used for achieving unison between our mind, body, and our soul – but what many do not know is that yoga is also an effective tool for attaining individual as well as universal consciousness. The key to attaining good health, a happy mind, and reflecting it to the universe begins from within – i.e. with the help of transcendental meditation.
How to use Vedic Mantras to attain transcendental meditation?
As mentioned earlier, transcendental meditation is a meditation practice based on a mantra.
A mantra is nothing but a word or a sound that acts as a tool of focus. Generally, any sound can be used to establish a focal point, however, a common chant in yoga is the Vedic word ‘Om’.
The mantra you choose does not necessarily have to have a meaning, as long as it gets the job done, any mantra can be used to achieve your state of internal bliss. A certified teacher usually assigns a mantra, based on your age and gender, to help you reach your focus point in meditation.
In the TM process, a mantra is recited in the mind repeatedly for 10-20 minutes every day, with the eyes closed, as it helps one to focus better. This practice is recommended at least twice a day for better results.